Relocating is a tough endeavor. It can be positively overwhelming at times. That’s why when you’re relocating to Clarksville, Virginia or the surrounding “Lake Country” area you should rely on Karin Kuhn for all of your real estate needs.
◦ Check the condition of your belongings as they’re unloaded.
◦ Call your local utilities to verify start dates.
◦ Let the post office and other publications know of your arrival
◦ Create a new emergency phone list
◦ Change the batteries in all of the smoke detectors
◦ Consider changing the locks
◦ Register to vote in your new community
◦ Mail “We’ve Moved” cards to your friends and family so that you can keep in touch
◦ Having tools handy will help you break down furniture and appliances
◦ Do not let anyone but yourself handle your valuables. Legal documents, jewelry, photographs, and other non-replaceable items should move with you, not the moving truck.
◦ When everything is packed up, check the inventory list and make sure you agree on the condition of the items.
◦ Give every room a final once-over. Don’t forget basements, attics, closets, sheds, garages, and yards.
◦ Turn off the water heater and the thermostat
◦ Make sure the movers have specific directions and know exactly where they’re going
◦ It’s a good idea to start by taking an inventory of everything to help you organize
◦ Creating an “Open First” box will help you not misplace any of your essentials such as medications, first aid kit, toiletries, linens, phone, light bulbs, and pet foods
◦ Try to use suitcases to their full potential, and don’t just limit them to clothing
◦ Make sure that fragile items are carefully wrapped and securely placed in their boxes
◦ Finding a reputable mover is also very helpful. Check with the Better Business Bureau, get a few estimates from a handful of companies, and find the mover that’s right for you.
◦ Contact utility providers here in the Lake Country and set up dates to start your new services, including Internet and long distance.
◦ You should notify your doctors as well and see if they might be able to refer you to someone in your new home’s area.
◦ If you have children, it’s a good idea to register them at their schools beforehand, and it gives enough time for their previous school to send over their transcripts.
◦ Make sure you let the post office, publications, and other correspondents know of your change of address and the date it becomes effective.
◦ Also, if you’re moving to a new state, check to see if you’ll need to purchase new auto insurance
With this information, it should make your relocation relatively less stressful. And don’t for get to contact me, Karin Kuhn, upon your arrival. As your real estate agent, I can help you get acclimated with the area and give you all sorts of local advice, and may be able to refer you to some of our local businesses.